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Access to Our Practice Calculator: Estimate how much money your practice will generate, how much you'll be able to pay yourself, how much to save for taxes, and so much more!
Getting Started: We’ll tackle the big questions, like which entity is best for you, do you need a business bank account and an EIN, and what the heck is a BOI and why should you care?
EIN & Beyond: Demystify registering your practice and snagging your EIN without a headache.
Making That Money: You’ll use the practice calculator to estimate how much how much money you’ll get to take home and how much you should save for taxes.
Smart Spending: We’ll cover which startup expenses you need and which ones can wait. We’ll talk all about business tax deductions and how to spend wisely to grow without going broke.
Paying Yourself: Strategies for taking care of yourself and your needs.
$147+ Value!!!
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All prices in USD
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What People Are Saying...
“BEST place to start before getting started! Learn what you don't know to make better financial decisions.”
“Thank you SO much for this course! This is the step-by-step, explain it to me like I'm 5, everything you wanted to know but were too embarrassed to ask, course that I needed when I started my practice!”
"This course gave me the confidence that I needed to finally start my business."
"Eveniet quam natus et commodi minus consequuntur enim iure magnam nam fugit voluptas."
"Eveniet quam natus et commodi minus consequuntur enim iure magnam nam fugit voluptas."